The earliest casino used to be called the casini, which was a far cry from the casinos and the online casinos we now know and love. Although the very notion of gambling has always been around ever since before anyone can remember, it was only formally introduced as a form of gaming and entertainment when the Italian casinis were opened up. The casinis were far smaller than our present-day casinos, and so much limited as compared to the practically boundless online casinos we now have access to. These casinis eventually turned into bigger casino houses, but the earliest casino houses cannot be compared to the popular Vegas casinos we are privileged to have nowadays. These casino houses offered a limited range of games, and the tables and machines were different and were fashioned from old materials. The slot machines were bulky, and were only meant to keep the casino patrons' wives preoccupied while the patrons entertained themselves with the timeless casino favorites.
But when the casino gaming world was finally established, the work of casino gaming pioneers was not yet done. And with the Internet fast becoming a world wonder back in those days, the idea to put the casinos up on the Internet came quite naturally. And when the idea came along, there was no stopping the further development of the casino world. The Internet was big enough to play the role of the ideal casino gambling arena. It was wide and well-populated, and the stage was ripe for casino gaming all along. The Internet indeed welcomed the concept of online gaming a little too warmly, and so did Internet users. A lot of Internet users flocked towards the online casinos that started offering the classic casino games right on the Internet. People were finally able to access their favorite games without leaving their sanctuaries. On top of that, with the CryptoLogic security company which allowed monetary transactions online, serious casino players also had access to serious money-making, high stakes games when they play live casino games online.
And to say that the further development of the casino world is unstoppable is practically an understatement. As if the ability to play casino games at home is not enough, the online casinos also managed to even rev up and move forward with the invention of live dealer gaming. Live dealer refers to the actual casino games empowered by a live video feed shot in an actual casino that serves as the basis for the online casino games that you play. And now, online casino players are able to get the best of both worlds. They can play live casino games at home while experiencing the real live casino experience with the help of the live video streaming, which serves as the player's window into the actual casino gaming world.