Gambler leads can be purchased from many different companies. The type of gambler leads varies greatly and the key in knowing your best performing type will depend on your ability to monitor the results. You may purchase mailing lists for direct mailing or telemarketing. There are companies who can design a specialized, powerfully persuasive recorded phone message in conjunction with a targeted phone list. The quality of those leads will vary and creating a valid tracking system to know the results will be the way to determine whether you have tapped into that pipeline of good gambler leads. Purchasing hard copy or hand write leads may an option as is acquisition of electronic databases for turning prospects into clients. The database of information from which leads are categorized is of critical importance to your success. Buying any gambler leads, regardless of the contact approach, will only be as effective and successful as the quality of the leads to begin with. This will require investing money to test and track the results.
Old fashioned as this is going to sound, there is one approach for quality lead generation that will never be surpassed with call lists, phone lists, electronic databases, targeted telemarketing approaches and any other form of mass marketing design, not that this numbers game is unproductive, of course. However, this tip is the oldest form of tried and true results: I call it the one-on-one. As this article might suggest, Gambling Leads at Par 7, I can assure you there are more big gamblers on the golf course today than anywhere else. Why do I call it Par 7? Because 7 is a lucky number. The best big gambler leads are walking around the golf course. If you do not play golf, start hanging out in the clubhouse and you will soon be enjoying explosions of gambler leads.